
  • (for new patients and existing clients with a new problem)

    40 mins - £72 (for a single problem)

    55 mins - £85 (for multiple or complex problems)

  • (for existing clients who have had this problem assessed by Physio7)

    30 mins - £60 (from £50 if booking a package)

    40 mins - £72

    55 mins - £85

  • (Soft tissue therapies only. No joint mobilisation or manipulation)

    40 mins - £62

    55 mins - £75

  • (Soft tissue therapies only. No joint mobilisation or manipulation)

    30 mins - £50

    40 mins - £62

    55 mins - £75

  • (in depth running assessment, including slow-motion video analysis)

    90 mins - £125

NOTE: To book insurance sessions (BUPA, AXA etc), please click here for more information.

Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates ⋆


  • No, you can self-refer to us without seeing your GP or Consultant if you are paying for your treatment.

    However, it is important to check whether you need to be referred by a doctor or a consultant before receiving treatment through an insurance company.

    Click here for more information about treatment through an insurance company.

  • We are able to bill AXA PPP and BUPA directly.

    Patients with other health insurance policies are asked to reclaim their fees directly from their insurer, including Vitality Health patients.

    Each insurance policy is different and we advise you to ensure well-in-advance that your treatment is covered.

    It’s important to check whether you need to be referred by a doctor or a consultant before receiving treatment.

    Click here for more information about treatment through an insurance company.

  • If you are going through Insurance and haven’t already done so, you will need to bring your Insurance information. Click here for more information.

    In terms of clothing: depending on your area of injury/pain, your Physiotherapist will need to treat the area. So for example if you have shoulder pain, a strappy vest top is ideal. If you have knee pain, bring a pair of shorts to change into. For hip pain, a pair of loose fitting shorts works well. If you have a running injury, please bring full running kit.

    Additionally, bring a list of any medications you might have, and relevant letters or reports from doctors or consultants.

  • If you fail to attend a session, or reschedule or cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice, you will be charged the full cost of the session. We require a payment card to hold all appointments, and we reserve the right to charge the card in those cases.

    For our Runners MOT, we ask that you give one weeks notice to reschedule. Cancellations within this time will be subject to a 50% charge.

    Please note that insurance companies will not pay for missed appointments or appointments rescheduled without sufficient notice therefore you will be obliged to pay the full amount for that appointment.

  • We accept credit/ debit cards (Visa, Mastercard and AMEX) and cash. We also accept BACS payments if made before the appointment.

    However you pay, we require a payment card to hold all appointments.

    Card payments are PSD2 SCA compliant and processed through Acuity Scheduling (powered by Stripe).